понедельник, 21 января 2008
{+} Небольшой фик, кросс Торчвуд/Д. Кто/аниме, спешали фор Морг.
{+} Бред, махровый ООС, издевательство над святым. В особенности над английским языком и pure crack. You’ve been warned, no da.
{+} Собственно оно
The door opened as young mane walked in the room most of which was concealed in shadows. At the far end of the room stood a big table covered with folders and papers. Behind it said huge dark figure.
- Good day, mister…
- Jones. Ianto Jones, sir, - young man answered hastly, looking nervous.
- Yes, of course. Please, sit down, - figure gestured at the only chair in the room, which looked very uncomfortable, but what choice did Ianto have. – So, can you tell me why you want to change your fandom?
- Em, my problem is that I like this boss who likes this girl – she’s struck in other dimension, why he still haven’t given up?!
- So that’s your problem, unrequired love? I’m afraid it’s not enough to get fandom change.
- Not, it’s not all. As I said before, I like this guy who like this girl, who likes this Doctor who has a very strange and twisted and sick relationship with his ex-boyfri…I mean ex-best friend who happens to be our psychotic Lord and Master. Oh, and I as a loyal subordinate of the one I like, so I have to take part in many events which include social interaction among those…creatures.
- And that is why you want to change fandom?
- Yes.
- ….We do have one position that might be suitable for you…
- I take it! I’ll do anything, just get me out of here. I can do paper work, I can fight – I can, I trained after a couldn’t kill Owen, I bake great pies and I am good in bed! Please let me have it.
- Those are important qualities. All right. But you will have to get changed, for this is japanese fandom.
- It’s okay. Thank you, - Ianto was really happy. He would agree on anything, just to get away from this life.
- Good morning, ta- W-what are you doing here? – Ianto was shocked. Of all the creatures of the living multiverses this was the last one he expected to find here, in his fandom in his own office. Was it some wicked plan to break Doctor? Or Jack? Or… But slowly he started noticing little details. Like absence of murderous metal spheres in the air or blue police box in the room. Or the fact than the man before him not only wore black shinigami’s uniform, but also a white captains haori. Whoever it was, he was the part of this fandom and more importantly, Iantos new boss. Young man bowed in apologies. – I’m sorry, taicho.
Longfingered hand gently brushed his hair.
- Don’t wory, Kira-kun. No, that’s to formal, - the voice was thick with mockery and tease. - Don’t wory, Izuru.
кошко мурчит
я - болейко
Английские сериалы,
Ну мы же все знаем, что это - одни и те же люди, просто сменившие парики, костюмы и поменявшие лазерные мечи на шиккены))
*вылез из-под стола, вытер слёзы, убежал отрабатывать clinic duty на век вперёд*
Систа, you're gorgeous!!!!! Это... это... это пятибаллльно. Нет, десяти, нет, сто баллов ..ем.. Хаффлпаффу, да?
Это правда мне? Правда-правда? Аняняняняняняняня!
You made my day, нет. даже, скорее,